30 Jun 2025 - 04 Jul 2025

This course aims to stimulate discussions around the most important theoretical and experimental challenges in the context of open ocean seascape ecology. That is, to introduce the ocean fluid dynamics into current theoretical frameworks (community structure, biogeographies, niche concept, effectiveness of the active tracer response, persistence and fitness, possible functional redundancy, stability of the metabolic machinery with respect to species turnover, etc.) and in the design of new multidisciplinary studies.

Key points: community structures and functioning, reactive dynamics, emerging patterns and predictability for pelagic oceanic ecosystems, i.e., ecosystems whose substrate is a fluid.

Scientific directors: Daniele Iudicone, Patrizio Mariani, Bruno Buongiorno Nardelli, Meike Vogt, Alejandro Maass

Period for applications: until 15th March 2025

Read more: Synergy Summer School 2025: Complexity and emergence in marine ecosystems/seascape: theory, mechanisms and data | Marinetraining (https://marinetraining.eu/node/6107)