Meet the MISSION ATLANTIC Team: Nertila Gojani, Project Manager

Where are you from and where are you currently based?

I am from Kosova, currently living in Sweden and working in Denmark.

Academic background and research areas:

I have a MSc in Food Safety and Risk Analysis. However, since I have finished my studies, I have been working for different governmental bodies national and international as a senior officer and programme manager for more than 10 years. Mainly, I have been involved planning and managing different EU and non-EU funds.

Current role and work within MISSION ATLANTIC:

I work as a project manager in Mission Atlantic. As a project manager I am involved in planning, executing, and day-to-day work of the project, I ensure the WP activities are completed within scope, schedule, and budget. Furthermore, I coordinate and communicate with team members to facilitate smooth workflow and address any challenges.

Do you have anything about the Atlantic Ocean you would like to share, or a favourite quote?

We can protect our Oceans if we start with small changes in our daily habits such as: reduce plastic use, participate in costal cleanups, and choose sustainable seafood. It is our duty to encourage and educate the future generation to participation in these activities. The more people understand the importance of the ocean, the more likely they are to take actions to protect it.

Favourite ocean fact:

The main transport mode for global trade is ocean shipping: around 90% of traded goods are transported by ship.

What is your highlight from the project so far?

The world seems small in this project, we have daily communication with the partners from European countries Brazil or South Africa with the main focus to do science and protect the ocean. I think this is the beauty of science to bring people together from different angles of the world with the same mission to unravel certain mysteries.

I am looking forward to the work we will do with this project!

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