By Ivo Grigorov, DTU

Congratulations to all Brazilian collaborators in Mission Atlantic who crafted one of the flagship Impact Narratives relevant to the BlueEconomy.

Benthic Habitat Maps covering the Brazilian Shelf are a key product of the North-South collaboration, and thanks to the co-authors, a main gravitational point for sustained dialogue with decision makers Ministério do Meio Ambiente e Mudança do Clima on topics of Marine Spatial Planning, Offshore Renewable Energy and Ecosystem Based Management.

The benthic maps will make up a decision support tool delivered via the Sea Sketch Tool developed by Will McClintock at National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS).

Here is just the (scientific) tip of the iceberg:

To play with the Sea Sketch Layers in the Brazil's EEZ click here: Brazil Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) - SeaSketch

For more info on how this Impact Narrative added value to local Policy Makers, bookmark and join the Mission Atlantic IEA Symposium in November 2025.

Special Thanks to Vitor de Souza, Marinez Scherer, Luis Conti Ibon Galparsoro Iza, Tiago Gandra and Jarbas Bonetti!