Débora S. Ferrari

I am a lucky Brazilian Ph.D. student that was awarded the MISSION ATLANTIC mobility call to work alongside Dr. Susa Niiranen at Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC) - Stockholm University, in Sweden.
I am currently working on my Ph.D. under Prof. Dr. Sergio Floeter, my advisor at the Marine Macroecology and Biogeography Lab at the Federal University of Santa Catarina – Brazil. My Ph.D. thesis focus on the ecology and conservation of reef environments of the South Mid Atlantic Islands (St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks, St. Helena and Ascension), which is part of the MISSION ATLANTIC Project. During this exchange period, I intend to develop an in-depth risk assessment for the main vulnerabilities identified in Saint Helena Island shallow reefs, as well as other islands of the South Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
I have a strong interest in developing my knowledge on topics related to conservation, such as socio-ecological systems and risk analyses. Thus, besides improving my research, this international opportunity will add a great experience to my professional development, since I will work together with high-level researchers at SRC and will also have the opportunity to interact with the Sustainable Science Ph.D. student group at SRC.

Débora photographing quadrats to survey the benthic community of Rocas Atoll, one of the Brazilian oceanic islands.